Are Yorkies Good with Cats?

Bringing a new pet into your home is a big decision, especially when you’re considering adding a Yorkie to a household with a cat. 

Understanding how these two very different animals might get along is crucial. This article delves into whether Yorkies and cats can coexist peacefully, offering practical advice and insights to help you foster a harmonious home.

Understanding Yorkie Temperament

Yorkshire Terriers, or Yorkies, are known for their feisty, energetic, and affectionate nature. Despite their small size, they have a big personality and can be quite vocal.

Yorkies are intelligent and curious, always eager to explore their surroundings and make new friends. They form strong bonds with their human companions and enjoy being the center of attention.

Understanding Cat Temperament

Cats, on the other hand, can range widely in temperament depending on their breed, age, and individual personality. Generally, cats are more independent than dogs and can be both playful and aloof. 

They are territorial creatures and may take some time to warm up to new additions to their space. However, many cats are social and enjoy companionship, even with other species.

Are Yorkies Good with Cats?

Yorkies can get along with cats, but it depends on their individual personalities and proper introductions. Yorkies are energetic and curious, which might overwhelm some cats. 

Gradual introductions, supervised interactions, and creating safe spaces for both pets are essential for a harmonious relationship. 

Training your Yorkie to respond to basic commands can also help manage their behavior around cats. With patience and careful management, Yorkies and cats can coexist peacefully.

Factors Influencing Pet Compatibility

Several factors play a role in determining whether a Yorkie and a cat will get along:


The age of both the Yorkie and the cat plays a significant role in their compatibility. Younger animals, like puppies and kittens, are generally more adaptable and open to forming new relationships. 

Introducing a Yorkie puppy to a young cat can often result in a smoother integration as they grow up together. Older animals, on the other hand, may be set in their ways and less receptive to new companions. 

However, with patience and proper introduction techniques, even older pets can learn to coexist peacefully.


Personality is a crucial factor in determining how well a Yorkie and a cat will get along. Each animal has its unique temperament, which can significantly affect their interactions. 

A laid-back, easygoing cat is more likely to tolerate an energetic Yorkie, while a more territorial or anxious cat might struggle. 

Similarly, a calm and well-socialized Yorkie will be better suited to living with a cat than a high-strung or overly excitable one. Understanding and considering these personality traits can help create a harmonious multi-pet household.

Previous Experiences

Previous experiences also influence how well a Yorkie and a cat will interact. If either pet has had positive encounters with other animals in the past, they may be more accepting of a new companion. 

Conversely, negative experiences, such as previous conflicts or traumas, can make introductions more challenging. It’s essential to consider the history of each pet and approach introductions with patience and understanding. 

Gradual exposure and positive reinforcement can help overcome any past negative experiences and foster a positive relationship between the Yorkie and the cat.

Introducing Yorkies to Cats

Introducing Yorkies to cats requires patience and careful planning to ensure a smooth transition. Start by allowing them to become familiar with each other’s scent by swapping bedding or toys between them. 

Then, gradually introduce them in a controlled environment, such as a separate room with a barrier between them. Supervise their initial interactions closely and be prepared to intervene if needed. 

Provide positive reinforcement, such as treats or praise, for calm and friendly behavior. Over time, increase their supervised interactions until they can coexist peacefully.

Creating a Safe Environment

Creating a safe environment is essential for both the Yorkie and the cat to feel secure and comfortable in each other’s presence. 

Ensure that each pet has their own designated space with access to food, water, and a litter box or designated potty area. Provide vertical spaces, such as cat trees or shelves, for the cat to escape to if needed.

Remove any potential hazards or items that may cause tension between the pets. By creating a safe and stress-free environment, you can help foster a positive relationship between your Yorkie and cat.

Supervised Interactions

Supervised interactions are crucial when introducing a Yorkie to a cat. Keep the initial meetings short and controlled, allowing the pets to interact under close supervision. 

Use positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, to encourage calm and friendly behavior. Be prepared to intervene if tensions rise or if either pet shows signs of stress or aggression. 

Gradually increase the length and frequency of their interactions as they become more comfortable with each other. Supervision ensures the safety of both pets and helps facilitate a positive relationship between them.

Behavioral Signs to Watch For

Positive Signs

  • Curiosity without aggression
  • Calm sniffing and exploration
  • Playful behavior

Negative Signs

  • Hissing, growling, or barking
  • Stiff body posture
  • Swatting or snapping

Training Techniques for Yorkies

Training your Yorkie is essential for fostering a positive relationship with your cat. Start with basic obedience commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come,” using positive reinforcement techniques such as treats and praise. 

Socialize your Yorkie from a young age by exposing them to different environments, people, and animals, including cats. This helps them learn appropriate behaviors and how to interact calmly with other pets. 

Consistency and patience are key when training your Yorkie, and remember to always use gentle, positive methods to encourage good behavior. With proper training, your Yorkie can learn to coexist peacefully with your cat.

Creating a Harmonious Home Environment

Creating a harmonious home environment is crucial for ensuring that both your Yorkie and your cat feel comfortable and secure. Provide each pet with their own designated space equipped with food, water, bedding, and toys. 

This allows them to have their own territory and reduces the likelihood of territorial disputes. Additionally, ensure that there are plenty of vertical spaces, such as shelves or cat trees, for your cat to retreat to if needed. 

Establish a routine for feeding, playtime, and walks to create predictability and stability for both pets. By creating a balanced and peaceful environment, you can promote harmony between your Yorkie and your cat.

Handling Conflicts

Handling conflicts between your Yorkie and your cat requires patience and understanding. If tensions arise, intervene calmly to prevent escalation. Distract both pets with a loud noise or a gentle squirt of water to break their focus. 

Separate them if necessary and give them time to calm down before reintroducing them gradually. Pay attention to their body language and behavior to identify triggers for conflicts. 

Implement positive reinforcement techniques to encourage peaceful interactions, such as giving treats for calm behavior near each other. 

Long-term Tips for Coexistence

Establishing a routine can help both pets feel secure and understand what to expect. Regular playtime and attention for both the Yorkie and the cat can prevent jealousy and boredom.

Common Myths about Yorkies and Cats

There are several misconceptions about the compatibility of Yorkies and cats. One common myth is that small dogs and cats naturally get along because of their size. In reality, personality and proper introduction play much larger roles than size alone.

Benefits of Having Both Pets

Having both a Yorkie and a cat can be incredibly rewarding. They can provide each other with companionship, reducing separation anxiety when you’re away. Additionally, their interactions can be entertaining and enriching for both you and your pets.

FAQs: Yorkies

Can Yorkies and cats live together peacefully?

Yes, with proper introductions and a gradual adjustment period, Yorkies and cats can coexist peacefully.

How long does it take for a Yorkie and a cat to get along?

The time frame varies based on the individual animals, but it can take anywhere from a few days to several months.

What should I do if my Yorkie and cat don’t get along?

If conflicts persist, consider seeking advice from a professional animal behaviorist to address the issues effectively.

Are there specific Yorkie traits that affect compatibility with cats?

Yorkies’ energetic and curious nature can sometimes be overwhelming for cats. Proper training and gradual introductions are key.

How can I ensure a smooth introduction between a Yorkie and a cat?

Start with scent introductions, create safe spaces, and supervise their initial interactions to ensure a smooth and positive introduction.


Yorkies and cats can indeed live harmoniously together, given the right conditions and introductions. By understanding their temperaments, supervising their interactions, and providing training and safe environments, you can foster a loving and peaceful multi-pet household.

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